In today's world, where naked bodies are no longer shocking, watching videos like Rock Icon Eating Pussy or download Paris Rocks sex videos or Rock Chick has become as normal as any other activity. But above all, I look forward to the unexpected, unplanned excitements that life may bring to me.Watch «Archy Rock» Selected Paris Rocks Porn “I plan to flood my channel with more videos this year, form my own live act and start gigging regularly by the middle of this year. The Snake Charmer is currently working on an app and is juggling gigs, collaborations and recording new videos and covers for her fans to go crazy over. “He is someone who has always helped me get on the right track, made me feel my worthy of myself when I was down and someone that really helps me make good musical decisions.”

While she holds her mentor, Mr Sean Folsom, veteran bagpiper and historian at a very high regard, Archy tells us that apart from having a family who are her biggest fans, it is Karan who is her biggest motivation. Archy has learned to take the criticism in her stride, too while holding on strongly to her own values, ethics and the people who have helped her get this far. “It's very overwhelming to be recognized on this level,” she conveys. Together, these two video were her stepping stone to a gig at the NH7 Weekender last year where she performed alongside Maati Baani, followed by an enthralling performance at the Times Lit Fest in Mumbai last year. The soundtrack has already crossed the 1,00,000 mark on The Snake Charmer's YouTube channel. The production was all Paras Khanna and it took all of three months to get this song right.” “Karan was the mastermind who gave Thunderstruck a major twist by experimenting with Dubstep. “Thunderstruck had remained a dream to me until last year, when I decided to give this my all and to practice it to perfection.” Dubstruck is the product of Archy and her friends sitting together and creating and structuring the track from scratch. And, one fine day, when she was ready, she gave us an absolutely sensational ‘Game of Thrones' cover!Īnd then she took us by storm with her music video ‘Dubstruck'-Archy's version of AC DC's ‘Thunderstruck'. She took the road no one had travelled, yet, and she was treading it one note at a time. I knew I had to do it every day, unfailingly, to be able to at least have my notes sound like a tune! When I realised the depth of work involved in learning and mastering the instrument, I decided to quit my job so I could focus and practice my bagpipes more and get better at it sooner.”įor Archy, the struggle was as real as it gets. “For someone like me, 3 hours a week wasn't enough. Then came hours, days and months of frustration, tears and persistence, and a trip to Scotland. Twenty-year-old Archy Jay quit her role as vice-president to a firm two years ago, where she was managing procurement and business development for a US-based company and decided, instead to pursue a passion that had been ignited within her. But when I came across how a Swiss folk metal band, called Eluveitie had used the bagpipes in such a different dimension, incorporating it into a completely new set up that I had never heard before, that was my ‘gotta wanna' moment and I knew this is what I wanted to do, to be.” “True, it's a very unlikely instrument here, in India. One look at Archy swooning to the music of her bagpipes, in her red tartan skirt and you're hooked! Today, she is a charmer, quite literally. She was a regular at gigs and a natural crowd-puller, even then.

I heard her rendition of Adele's then cult song, ‘Someone Like You', and thought to myself how intimidating, yet beautiful she sounded. She was one of the three female performing artists for the evening. I saw Archy for the first time, back in 2012 at an up-and-coming café in Gurgaon. But whatever I learnt back there is what you see in my videos and in my live acts.” “I went to Scotland for 10 days, five days out of which was heavy tutoring so as to make the most of my time there. “I knew it would be worth it something in me was always positive that this was going to work,” she says. Her instrument of choice-Bagpipes! “I have never wanted anything as bad as wanting to learn the bagpipes,” she confesses.Īrchy who was earlier the lead vocalist for Rogue Saints, a rock/metal band based out of the capital, left the band, then quit her well-paying job to travel all the way to Scotland to learn the instrument. Hailing from Delhi, The Snake Charmer-that's her stage name-has a way with music. But then, again, Archy J is not your average musician. It's not every day that you come across a bagpiper who blows your mind with the cover of the ‘ Game of Thrones' soundtrack especially if it's a girl.